

Conversing with God about what we are doing together.


At its core, prayer is a conversation with God. The goal of prayer is not prayer itself. The goal of prayer is to connect with God - to talk to Him and to commune with Him.

If you were to hang out with a friend over coffee, go on a date with your significant other, or spend time with your kids, the goal of conversing with them is not to simply say some words and check off a box. The goal is to connect and commune. You want to spend time with someone you care about and who cares about you.

The same is true in prayer. Prayer is about connecting and abiding with someone who loves you deeply and invites you to love Him in return.

Prayer is two-directional. We talk to God. We bring to Him our requests, our suffering and pain, our joy and praise (Philippians 4:6, James 5:13, Psalm 150). We go to Him as the good Father that He is (Matthew 6:7-8) and we go to Him even when we aren’t sure what to say, trusting the Holy Spirit knows what to pray (Romans 8:26-27).

But prayer is not simply talking to God, but it is also learning to hear from God. And the good news for us as His people is that God speaks! He speaks to us in His created world, in His Scriptures, and through His Son who took on flesh, Jesus Christ (Psalm 19, John 1:1-18, Hebrews 1:1-3).


Practice Guide

Below you will find a practical guide to help you engage with God through prayer. This guide can be worked through as an individual, couple, family, or Community Group.


Rhythms & Formation - Week 3


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