Rhythms & Formation

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We all want to grow. We all want to change. As we learn what it means to know and follow Jesus as Citizens of God’s Kingdom, we come to grips with the tension of two realities about our lives: (1) we are called and for the most part desire to grow in our relationships with Christ but also (2) Christian growth is much slower and more painful than we thought or care to admit.

Nobody drifts into discipleship - it takes a lifetime of practice, training, and experimentation to unlearn the old ways of being and live into our new identity as God’s beloved children. Or another way to say it - there is no transformation without repetition. If we want to be more godly, more holy, more Christlike and more closely abiding with God in 10, 20, 30, or 40 years, it’s going to take repeated patterns of discipleship and spiritual formation day in and day out.

The goal of this series is to equip our church to have a vision for life with Jesus, to implement rhythms that support that vision, and to be formed more and more into the image of Christ.


Below you’ll find other teachings from this series in chronological order.

Week 1 - Discipleship to Rabbi Jesus

Week 2 - Sabbath Rest

Week 4 - Fasting & Feasting

Week 3 - Bible Reading & Prayer

Week 5 - Silence & Solitude

Week 6 - Rule of Life


Below you’ll find other extra resources that were developed in conjunction with this series.